
Five Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow


Welcome toFive Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow

Design Technology

Design Technology at Five Lanes!




Intent Statement 


At Five Lanes Primary School, children apply their creativity through designing and making as part of the D&T Curriculum. Using their subject knowledge and learnt skills, children are able to design and make a range of products for different purposes and audiences. Skills are taught progressively so the children are able to practise these when designing and making products as they develop through school.  The stage of designing allows the children to evaluate their learning, giving them opportunities to improve their product before making it; this is a vital skill to have throughout their life. Design and Technology incorporates skills from many other subjects including Maths, Art and Science. The children are able to use skills learnt from other subjects and apply these when designing and making. Our children design and make products that link to the over-arching theme for the half term, therefore, making the learning fun and purposeful. All children will have an opportunity to explore basic cooking skills throughout school, making a range of products to try. 
