
Five Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow


Welcome toFive Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow

PSHE - Personal Social Health Education and RSE

PSHE at Five Lanes!



Intent Statement



At Five Lanes we are committed to ensuring that the emotional and social needs of all our children are met within our school environment and we support the development of children’s health and wellbeing, self-esteem and confidence.


We are committed to providing a ‘health and wellbeing climate and culture’. This means that we place teaching and learning in the wider context of our approach to:


  • Leadership, management and managing change
  • Policy development
  • Curriculum, planning, resourcing and impact
  • Teaching and learning
  • Assessment, recording and reporting progress and achievement
  • Pupil voice
  • Pupils’ support services
  • Staff professional development needs
  • Partnerships with parents/carers, the community and external agencies
  • School culture and environment


As part of providing a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum, we are able to nurture and support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development in young children and promote the fundamental British values in young lives. We support children to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives, and become responsible citizens. We recognise that our school vision is crucial to this learning and should be at the heart of whole-school development.


Through our PSHE curriculum, we aim that our pupils will:


  • develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally;
  • develop self-confidence and self-responsibility;
  • value themselves and others;
  • acknowledge and appreciate difference and diversity;
  • be independent, responsible and active members of the school and the local community;
  • learn to make informed choices;
  • be prepared to be positive and active members of a democratic society;
  • understand what constitutes a safe and healthy lifestyle;
  • develop the ability to form good relationships;
  • understand and manage their emotions;
  • have opportunities to consider issues which may affect their own lives and/or the lives of others.