Funding for Inclusion (FFI)
Leeds are one of a few Local Authorities in the England who allocate funding for pupils with SEN separately to EHCP's. School and/ or outside agencies can apply for funding for children during specified funding cycles - when a child is in Nursery, Reception, end of Year 2 and end of Year 4. There is very specific and strict criteria that a child must meet in order to qualify. The school SENDCo will be able to advise if your child meets this criteria and if an application is to be made. Children who receive funding will have an annual review of their needs in the Spring term.
Disability Access Funding (DAF):
This funding is allocated by the government and is ONLY for children aged three or four who attend Nursery provision AND are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance. If this applies to your child, please notify the SENDCo via the school office.