
Five Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow


Welcome toFive Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow




Over this term, please talk to your child about friends they are playing with and why they are special, what special skills do they have? Making you laugh, always smiling, sharing toys. 


Week 3 and onwards - Please teach your child how to put on their coat by themselves

Week 4 - Please bring in a labelled photo of your family - please can you record siblings names on the back of the photo

Week 5 - Learn 'Incy Wincy Spider' rhyme using our Talk 4 Writing Text Map

Week 6 - Teddy Says

The focus of this week’s homework is on developing your child’s speech and language skills. Speech and language development is so important as it lays the foundation for learning and allows your child to build relationships.

We love the Tiny Happy People resources as they’re super fun and easy to have a go at.

This week, have a go at playing ‘Teddy Says’. This is a fun game which supports listening, attention and memory skills. There is a video online to show you what to do.



Week 7 - Blocks

We are continuing to focus our homework on developing your child’s speech and language skills. This week, have a go at building a tower to practice words like ‘tall’, ‘short’, ‘fall’, ‘first’ and ‘last’. This is also great to work on motor skills and perseverance! There is a video online to show you what to do.


Week 8 - Work on your child's Next Steps 


If you have any questions at any time about homework please don't hesitate to contact us via Class Dojo or chat with us on the door at the end of the session.
