Five Lanes Primary School PSHE Long Term Plan
Our Long Term Plan is based on the You, Me, PSHE Scheme of Work.
This scheme allows us to meet all National Curriculum objectives whilst providing all pupils a rich and purposeful learning journey from Years 1-6 (See EYFS area for information for this age group). Many objectives are also embedded in other subjects taught e.g. Science, English and Geography.
We also teach 6 MindMate lessons throughout the year to provide additional education and support with pupils' wellbeing; as well as lessons on Mindfulness. (More information can be found in our Curriculum area of PSHE).
Zones of Regulation are embedded across school to promote emotional intelligence. Children are able to recognise their emotions and feelings and act upon them in a positive and effective way.
To enrich further, PSHE is embedded within our school day to promote a positive wellbeing in a variety of ways. Examples of this can be found in our Evidence of Learning area.