If your child has SEND, you can expect school to put in place additional and different support for that need so your child has the best chance of success and to keep you informed about its impact.
School will:
Discuss with you your child's needs.
Usually the class teacher will arrange this but depending on the type and level of need, the SENDCo may discuss this with you.
Identify the need and put in place extra support.
This may be in the form of:
- small group work around a specific learning need so your child can keep up
- specialist programme of support around an emotional need
- a parallel curriculum developed with specialist support
- support from external agencies, e.g. speech and language therapy, the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team (DaHIT)
- an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP), identifying the specific need(s), targets, how it will be met and by when
Or some other support.
Keep you informed about progress.
This could be through:
- parents' evenings meetings
- specially arranged meetings with the class teacher
- copies of Individual Education or Behaviour Plans (IEPs and IBPs)
- copies of Pupil Passports (a one page document detailing key information about your child's needs)
- annual review for children with an EHCP and / or children who have funding.
- Early Help Plan meetings
- annual reports
Ensure staff are trained in general SEND issues.
For example:
- identifying children with SEND
- understanding our legal duties
- sharing good practice
- keeping up with relevant educational research
- having an overview of typical SEND needs and the strategies to support the needs
Teachers' expertise is in education and school will support general awareness of the many issues and disorders affecting education, e.g. medical, neurodevelopmental, emotional or physical, but rely on other professionals who specialise in these areas for guidance and support.
Outside agencies may also be involved in supporting a child's SEND needs, for example:
- Leeds Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Team (SENIT) - for further information see website click here
- Cluster
- Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team (DAHIT)
- Visually Impaired Team (VI)
- STARS - Leeds autism team (for further information see website click here)
- NHS Speech and Language
- School speech and language therapy team - currently Chatterbug.
Monitor the impact of support for children with SEND.
We will ensure that the support in place is monitored so that its effectiveness can be identified. We will adapt and develop the support where it is not working as intended and will seek the advice and support of other agencies where necessary.