
Five Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow


Welcome toFive Lanes Primary SchoolA Caring Place To Learn And Grow

Pupil Voice

"I like learning rhythms with lego and singing songs." Y1 Pupil


"I liked learning 'Chop, Chop, Choppity Chop'. You have to keep the pulse and it's a bit tricky!" Y1 Pupil


"Music means that my body tells me to dance!" Y2 Pupil


"Music gives people joy." Y2 Pupil


"Music = fun! I love singing!" Y3 Pupil


"Music is my hobby. I like it and love learning my violin at school." Y3 Pupil


"I really enjoy learning my keyboard at school. " Y4 Pupil


"Music is fun and exciting to learn!" Y4 Pupil


"Music means a lot to me. It is my passion." Y5 Pupil


"Music helps me to show my emotions." Y5 Pupil


"Music means a lot to me because it is an extra hobby of mine and makes me feel happy inside. Music at Five Lanes is really fun and exciting. The music teachers are amazing and make us work hard, but it always pays off in the end."  Y6 Pupil


"It means a lot. Music is a piece of me. I have to play it." Y6 Pupil


"Music meaans a lot to me because I also play music in my church." Y6 Pupil


Music means everything to me. I love doing this and it keeps me calm. I know that when I go to High School I am going to try and continue. " Y6 Pupil. 






